May 19, 2009

I'm a Standout in Life

A friend of mine told me, god created a numerous of human in this world, everyone has their very own speciality.

I don't have a pretty face, I'm not that outstanding in the crowd. I don't have any special ability, my tongue would get stucked to repeat the alphabets from back to front, I can't lick my elbow or my nose, BUT, I got my very own personality.

In order to live my life to the fullest, enjoy my life the most, I used to do anything that I like if I feel to do so, of cause not killing someone if I hate them lar..

I have a sweet tooth. I love sweet food. I think that consuming sweet food is a very best way to pamper myself despite of the hectic life. I'm like the other girls though, I'm afraid of fats and overweight, but I would rather cut down my meals than stop myself from eating sweet food. LOL.

My Loves.

There are sweets/chocs in my bag 24/7, standby. :)

Hence, if you ever try to take away my babies, I will turn to a beast. rawr! I can be insane for sweet stuff :P

Well, the second thing is, I don't mind how people around think about me, as in this.

I used to turn on my mp3 while I'm waiting for someone/ in the LRT/ bus. While listening to the music, I will just move my body by following the music :) I don't mind if the people around is looking at me. Just enjoy!

So I think these are the reasons why I think I'm standout in my life :P


  1. hey i watched ur little clip there. hilarious but i do admire your courage for doing what u feel like doing and hardly cares about how others would look at u. A vibrant, energetic teenage girl who loves to shake booty. Nice moves btw. I can't dance at all, i would look like an idiot if i did the same. haha!!

  2. Hahaha it would be awesome too if a group people dance to the beat/music on the street :D

  3. jOan^, TQ!I like to dance, and I think it's a very best way to release stress :)
    akiraceo, yea, I do have friends who are even crazier thn me XD

  4. yes

    nice to meet you, we are the LOUHAIZ :D
