Dec 14, 2009

i'm capable

I know.

I was actually wondering should I continue studying after my diploma, or stop and start working for money. If I were to proceed for further studies, it might takes another few years time to finish the studies.

Sometimes I'm lil impatient, I can't wait for things to finish, and I rather give up. And of course, this is not the only reason that makes me hesitant, there are few more reasons. Financial will be one of the most, and other personal matters.

Somehow, after a talk with my cousin sis, it woke me up. She reminded me the reason why I forced myself getting into college at the very beginning which I almost forget about it.

and now I see the light of my path again..I see the right way to proceed now.

THANKS. all I need is determination.


  1. Why were u forcing yourself into college, huh? to become prom queen? lol

  2. hey penton, keep it secret! shhh...XP

  3. gambateh,
    doing something you appreciate it alot,
    is a good thing..
    go with ur desire and u will fulfill ur desire..hehe
